The Lie Fed to Entrepreneurs (Part 1)

There is a myth in the world of entrepreneurship that really pisses me off. Pardon the language; I feel very strongly about it.

The lie is “work for 2-5 years, do today what no one is willing to do so you can live the rest of your life like no one else will.”

The problem is, this lie perpetuates working HARDER rather than working smarter.

This lie creates individuals who are living their lives around their work, rather than creating work around their life.

This lie creates a “work now, play later” mentality.

This lie creates workaholics who put their relationships on hold.

This lie creates men and women who abuse their bodies and their health, pushing through to do “whatever it takes.”

This lie creates individuals disconnected from their hearts.

I’d believe it a truth if I hadn’t sat across from hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years who have had the 2-5 year cycle on REPEAT and now it is 17 years later, or 24 years later, marriages lost, children estranged, and their souls still hungry.

I’d believe it a truth if hadn’t lived my life following that advice for 13 years before I reached total burn out.

Supposedly, I had everything everyone wanted–even what I thought I wanted. I loved the work I was doing. Was earning multiple six-figures, recognized as a top performer in my pursuits, earned all the accolades and awards.

Why wasn’t it enough?

This driven, passionate woman that you know me to be, and whom I’ve been most of my life, hit a total low point. A place I previously could never understand when people experienced, because I thought “mind over matter” always won. I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything. I felt worn out. I lost my mojo and no amount of desire seemed to be enough to will it back.

I wanted to blame my husband that I “had to be” the breadwinner. I wanted someone to rescue me and show me that life didn’t have to be so hard. I had memories that would bring me to tears because of the pain I caused my kids and my husband because I knew I wasn’t fully present because I was so preoccupied with another 2-5 year chase.

I knew I couldn’t do it that way anymore. I was utterly DESPERATE to find a different way.

I read this scripture in the Message version and it spoke to me so deeply…

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”Matthew 11:28-30

“Unforced rhythms of grace”? Was this possible?

[This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Enter your name and email on the right hand column of this site to receive the future articles straight to your inbox.]

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